How to shop?

We have tips for you on how to easily go through the entire process from product selection to ordering.

Searching for goods

Some like to wander around the store, others go straight.

  • If you belong to the first group, select the relevant department in the top menu and the individual product categories in it when you reach your destination.
  • If you already know what you want, use the search. At the top of the page, you will find a search bar that, in cooperation with the whisperer, will lead you to the desired product.


  1. You put the goods in the basket using the Add to basket button.
  2. In the basket, you can clearly see everything you put in it in one place - the exact name of the product, availability, number of pieces (you can change it as you like) and the price without and with VAT.
  3. You can see the complete contents of the basket every time you put a product in it or if you click on the basket symbol in the upper right part of the page.


You can log in as:

  1. New customer if you shop first time - just enter your email and proceed with the order.
  2. Registered customer if you are already you have shopped and registered with your password. Fill in your e-mail and password and proceed with the order. If you have forgotten your password, we will send it to the e-mail address you registered with.

The e-mail is used for all communication regarding your order, so it is necessary to fill it out.

Shipping and payment

Depending on the size of the goods, you will be offered the most suitable type of transport. You can find their full overview on the Delivery methods page.

If you order several types of goods with different availability, it is up to you whether you prefer delivery as soon as possible (shipments will be divided and goods that are in stock will be sent immediately) or you will wait until all the goods you ordered are in stock and we will then deliver them to you we will send at once in one shipment.

In this step of the basket, you also choose the payment method. If you also have a gift certificate or discount voucher available, enter the relevant code in the Gift certificate or voucher field and the amount will be deducted from your order immediately.

When paying by bank transfer, we send the goods only after the amount has been credited to our bank account.

Order summary and dispatch

A complete summary of your order is available to you before you send it. If all information is correct, complete the order by pressing the Submit Order button.

Good to know

  • You will be informed by e-mail about every step in the processing of your order. All the time, you have a perfect overview of what is happening with your order and when you can expect the delivery of the selected goods. If you wish to change the goods in the order, cancel or cancel the entire order, contact us by phone at
  • The seller reserves the right to cancel the order for goods marked "Currently unavailable" if the goods can no longer be delivered or replaced with another model or if their price has changed significantly. You will of course be informed about such a situation if it arises. If part or all of the order has been paid, we will return the money to your account.